
While Pomeranians have fewer genetic defects than many breeds (due to many breeders trying so hard to eliminate problems), no breed is perfect. The following sections show you some idiosyncrasies, a few serious but most not, that are sometimes seen in Pomeranians and other Toy breeds.

I am not a Vet and this information was compiled from various sources


Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar and is a common problem in young Toy breed puppies. Symptoms of low blood sugar are a staggering gait, glassy eyes, and sometimes either limpness or rigidity. If the dog doesn't receive immediate help, he can suffer seizures, unconsciousness, and finally, death. Treatment involves putting some sugar in your dog's mouth, calling your veterinarian, and heading for the clinic. Once you know your dog has a tendency toward hypoglycemia, you can prevent further attacks by changing his feeding schedule to small amounts several times a day and avoiding sugary treats (check the ingredients before buying dog treats). Just remember, too much sugar in it’s food can put your puppy on a roller coaster ride of sugar highs and lows rather than keeping his blood sugar nice and level.

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Collapsing trachea

Collapsing trachea is a problem for Toy dogs of many breeds. The symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and exhaustion. Although it appears more often in dogs older than 5 years, an occasional puppy has it from birth. To understand the condition, think of the trachea as a straw made of cartilage that carries air from the neck to the chest. When the cartilage collapses, breathing becomes difficult, kind of like sipping soda through a flattened straw.Your vet can treat most conditions with medication.

Subluxation of the patella

Subluxation of the patella or loose kneecaps. When it occurs, the kneecap (the rear legs) slips out of its groove, sometimes often and sometimes rarely, depending on the severity of the problem. If your dog is one of the unlucky few whose kneecaps slip often, surgery may be the solution. A dog with a mild case can live a normal life, kind of like a person with a trick knee. Subluxation of the patella is a relatively common problem in small breeds and some large breeds

Heart murmur

Heart murmurs are relatively uncommon in Chihuahuas and even those that have one usually have the functional type. As in people, they can be as active and athletic as they want and live long, normal lives. Most puppies do out grow it.


Mainly in Chihuahua may displayed or have a "soft spot" on top of there head. In the Chihuahua, this spot, or fontanel, is known as a MOLERA; and is the same as that found in human babies. In the past, this molera was accepted as a mark of purity in the breed, and it is still mentioned in most Chihuahua breed standards the world over. AKC standards say: A well rounded "apple dome" skull, with or without molera.

It is important to note that while many Pomeranians puppies are born without the molera, there are probably just as many born with one and its presence is nothing to become alarmed over. Some times it may close up

Unfortunately, many lay people and many veterinarians not familiar with the Pomeranians have tried to link the presence of a molera with the condition known as hydrocephalus. This has caused many newcomers to the breed serious concern and worry. The truth is that a domed head with a molera present does not predispose the Chihuahua to this condition.  In "Diseases of the Brain" 1989, Green & Braund stated that many clinically normal toy breeds may have open fontanels without associated hydrocephalus. Drs. Walker and Rivers, Veterinarians at the University of Minnesota concluded that there did not appear to be any relationship between the presence or size of a fontanel and the condition of hydrocephalus. Dr. Alexander de Lahunta of Cornell University in New York, one of the top neurologists in this country, stated that it would be wrong to conclude that any opening is abnormal.

While it would be impossible to list all the medical documentation here on this page, these few included here are perfectly clear; the presence of a molera does not mean the Chihuahua has a medical problem.

The Pomeranian is a little dog!!

They belong in the house, at their owner's side, receiving all the love they deserve to receive. With or without a molera, the healthy Pomeranians that is loved and given proper veterinary care will live well into its teens as an irresistible member of the family.


Be sure you know how to clean your puppies teeth
properly so that cleaning them under anesthesia isn't necessary. When your dog has to go under anesthesia (during spaying or neutering, for example), ask your veterinarian if any necessary dental work (such as pulling impacted baby teeth) can be done at the same time. Be sure your vet uses one of the modern gas anesthetics. They are much safer than the old fashioned intravenous products. Never do anything that anesthesia is used, that is not necessary to save your puppies life. Before you risk your puppies life, ask yourself is it really necessary.